Community: a word that means so much more than just a group of people living together in one place. In the case of the apartment complex where we live that houses various groups of totally different people, the feeling of community is present. To be a community, the people do not necessarily have to share the same values, culture or practices. Looking at the apartment’s play area and seeing about 15 different nationalities gathered together is proof of the existence of a very diverse community. Sudanese, Somalis, Mexicans, Caucasian native-born US citizens, African-Americans, Nepalese, Bhutanese, Burmese, Iraqi, Kurdish, Syrian are among the groups that make up this community. Some are Christian, some Hindu or animistic. Some are refugees; some are immigrants or US citizens. They each hold their own language and social values, but regardless of this, just about every night, they all come together to enjoy a time of fun at the soccer field.
This reminds me of the fact that we were created in the image of God. Born to be social creatures and to feel the need to have leisure time. Even though there might be resentment, jealousy or even hatred between the different nationalities when fellowship happens, these feelings fade. Seeing all these people peacefully united by the most popular sport in the world was one of the things that I enjoyed the most this week. It gave me hope. Hope of a better future, where violence and war between ethnicities could be resolved. If only they could understand that God made every person on earth equal according to His image, with the same needs, such as the need for fellowship and fun. That is why a big part of my mission this summer is to share about God’s endless love for all his sons and daughters. --Lissete